
Sunday, May 24, 2015

New Naval Command Officer Graduates Show Promise

Naval tactics lecture at the Imperial Naval Academy at Prefsbelt IV

PREFSBELT IV - During a graduating test, new command officers graduating from the Naval Academy of Prefsbelt IV demonstrated skill and tactical insight today. The final days of the Rebellion are deemed to be at hand.

During two skirmishes between naval academy cadets, faced off against one another. Both teams commanded victory I-class star destroyers, with different types of TIE craft flying alongside.

Particular commendation went to one team's sensor operators. These effectively cancelled their opposing team's counter measures, which allowed them to more quickly damage the opposing team's vessel.

No naval officers were harmed during these training exercises, though both star destroyers will be shipped back to Kuat Drive Yards for repairs. During the second skirmish, in which the two training teams simulated an ambush setting, the star destroyers slowly collided one another. As the collision happened, both star destroyers found that their collision alarms were inoperative. The manufacturer at Kuat Drive Yards will be held to account.

With such fine officers graduating from the academy, the rebellion will soon be brought to heel. The admiralty of the Imperial Navy will soon send these graduating officers to the Outer Rim to serve in the blockade of the Arkanis sector. It is expected that once the cordoning off of this sector is complete, the rebellion will wither and the galaxy can once again be at peace.

GAME: Armada
Location: Red Castle Games (casual games).
DATE: 5-24-2015

Battle 1
System: Prefsbelt IV
WINNER: Empire (E'an)
OBJECTIVE: Most Wanted

EMPIRE Michael
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Flight Controllers + Extended Hangars + Weapons Liaison
Major Rhymer
3x TIE Bomber Squadron
2x TIE Fighter Squadron

Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Admiral Chiraneau + Extended Hangars + Sensor Team
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Bomber Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Battle 2
System: Prefsbelt IV
WINNER: Empire (E'an)
OBJECTIVE: Fleet Ambush

EMPIRE Michael
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Flight Controllers + Extended Hangars + Weapons Liaison
Major Rhymer
2x TIE Bomber Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Admiral Chiraneau + Extended Hangars + Sensor Team
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Bomber Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

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