
Monday, June 15, 2015

Armed Dispute Over Order-of-Battle in Arkanis Sector

A flight of TIE fighters

GORNO SYSTEM - Separate Imperial units clashed on the borders of the Arkanis sector today, after a failure to bring an escorted criminal spice trader to justice. The jurisdictional dispute caused a rift between Moff Dzon Brennin of the Arkanis sector and the admiralty directing the blockade centered on the Savareen sector.

During a routine patrol in the Gorno system along the Corellian Run, an escorted criminal freighter was ordered to halt and submit to a seizure and search of its cargo today. The freighter refused and its heavily armed escort attacked the two flights of TIE fighters ordering it to surrender.

In an effort to interdict criminal and rebel supply lines, the admiralty governing the blockade of the Arkanis sector has ordered all traffic in and out of the Arkanis Sector to be seized and searched. In this effort, the normal Imperial order of battle has been observed, with the regular use of flights of TIE Fighters in formations of four fighters.

Imperial Navy units within the Arkanis sector, meanwhile, have observed an altered order of battle as directed by Moff Dzon Brennin, who has dictated unorthodox methods of quashing rebel and criminal activity in the sector. The standard for the Arkanis sector has been the use of VT-49 Decimator patrol craft operating in conjunction with elite TIE Interceptors or spacecraft of a covert and classified nature.

After the forces operating under the direction of the Savareen admiralty failed in their attempt to apprehend the criminal elements, forces under Moff Brennin were dispatched to show the Savereen units their place. In their effort to enforce their jurisdiction, the Arkanis Sector Group forces fired upon the Savareen units, which returned fire, ultimately leading to the destruction of the Arkanis units.

The authorities of Oversector Outer, governing both the Arkanis sector and the Savareen Admiralty, have dispatched orders to determine areas of influence and maintain distance between the different Imperial Navy forces.


Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-6-15
Location: Guardian Games (Casual games).

Battle 1
System: Gorno

Kavil + Push the Limit + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Engine Upgrade
Kaat'o Leeachos + Veteran Instincts
Palob Godalhi + Recon Specialist + Blaster Turret + Inertial Dampeners + Moldy Crow 2x Cartel Spacer + "Heavy Scyk" Interceptor + Ion Cannon

EMPIRE: Michael
4x Obsidian Squadron Pilot
4x Academy Pilot

Battle 2
System: Gorno
WINNER: Empire (Michael)

Rexlar Brath + Predator + Munitions Failsafes + Ion Pulse Missiles + Ion Cannon
"Echo" + Outmaneuver + Stygium Particle Accelerator + Fire Control System + Tactician

EMPIRE: Michael
3x Obsidian Squadron Pilot
4x Academy Pilot

Battle 3
System: Gorno
WINNER: Empire (Michael)

Rexlar Brath + Predator + Munitions Failsafes + Ion Pulse Missiles + Ion Cannon
"Echo" + Outmaneuver + Stygium Particle Accelerator + Fire Control System + Tactician

EMPIRE: Michael
3x Obsidian Squadron Pilot
4x Academy Pilot

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