
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Imperial Patrol Encounters Rebels and Spice Smugglers in Parmic Sector

TIE/SA craft bringing relief medical supplies to inhabitants of planet Laramus.

LARAMUS SYSTEM - Imperial TIE craft came under rebel attack while attempting to root out criminal activity in the Laramus system of the Parmic Sector today. The incident lends further evidence to collusion between spice smugglers and Rebel Alliance. In their efforts to maintain a choke hold of the denizens on the planet Laramus, the rebellion thwarted Imperial attempts to bring relief medical supplies to the inhabitants of the planet.

While patrolling systems in the Parmic sector, a flight of TIE fighters encountered Advanced Rebel starfighter of the B-wing and E-wing type, and swiftly made them one with the void. The patrolling pilots were ordered to make a closer inspection of the planet. With rebel activity detected in the system, the wing commander of the patrol, operating from the Gladiator-class star destroyer Blixus, inferred that where there is rebel activity there is likely to be criminal activity.

The discovery of rebel and criminal collusion follows a pattern observed in the nearby Arkanis sector, as has been widely reported on HNN.

As the wing commander, Major Firmus Reicht, suspected, the criminal elements showed themselves when the patrol flight flew in for a closer inspection of the planet. The patrol came under attack by starfighter types associated with spice cartels operating in the Arkanis sector and Hutt Space - two M3-A Scyk Interceptors and a single StarViper-class attack platform.

The expertise of the TIE fighter pilots, recently graduated from the naval academy on Prefsbelt IV, proved to once again overcome the resistance to Imperial order.

The planet Laramus being designated as inhabited, the Blixus starfighter command ordered relief medical supplies sent to the planet, understanding that the presence of rebel and spice gangs create shortages of such necessities. Aiming to efficiently drop those supplies near population centers, Maj. Reicht ordered an element of TIE/SA craft to deliver the supplies to the surface with the same patrol flight of TIE fighters providing escort.

True to despicable form, the Rebellion intercepted the relief ships. The TIE/SA pilots lost their lives and their precious cargo to a targeted strike by an A-wing interceptor accompanied by X- and B-wing fighters. Fortunately, the TIE fighters were able to revenge their loss and no rebel fighter craft survived the incident.

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-6-16
Location: The Game Room (Casual games).

Battle 1
System: Laramus
WINNER: Empire

Corran Horn + Veteran Instincts + Fire Control System + R2-D2 + Shield Upgrade
Keyan Farlander + Push the Limit
Blue Squadron Pilot

EMPIRE: Michael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot

Battle 2
System: Laramus
WINNER: Empire

SCUM: Mark
Serissu + "Heavy Scyk" Interceptor + "Mangler" Cannon + Stealth Device + Push the Limit
Prince Xizor + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + Push the Limit + Virago
Laetin A'Shera + "Heavy Scyk" Interceptor + "Mangler" Cannon + Stealth Device

EMPIRE: Michael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot

Battle 3
System: Laramus
WINNER: Empire

Keyan Farlander + Heavy Laser Cannon + Expert Handling
Garven Dreis + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Green Squadron Pilot + Proton Torpedoes + Marksmanship

EMPIRE: Michael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot

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