
Sunday, October 18, 2015

During Counter-Insurgency Operations, Imperial Navy Flight Encounters Defector Pirates

Classified model of TIE Fighter with sable coloring and crossbones devise, belonging to unknown pirate band.

MULLAN SYSTEM - An Imperial Flight of starfighters and bombers, engaged with counter-insurgency operations, encountered a band of space pirates flying advanced Imperial starfighters. Imperial Intelligence tasked with discovering theft of state-of-the-art hardware

While suppressing rebel starfighters operating behind Imperial lines in the Mullan system, a flight of Imperial starfighters was attacked by a band of space pirates. The Pirate craft were colored sable with a crossbones device on the lead craft's radiator panels.

While the lead craft appeared to be a TIE/ln fighter, footage recovered from the black box aboard one of the destroyed Imperial Navy craft, demonstrates that the fighter in question was an advanced type of TIE fighter with classified components. Also among the pirate craft was a TIE Punisher heavy bomber and a Firespray-31 attack craft.

According to the Imperial Security Bureau, these pirates may be part of a wider network of dissidents and traitors. A similar configuration of assailants was encountered in the Arcan system of the Cronese Mandate sector last week. Officials within the ISB report that the usual suspects (aliens and unemployed persons) will be rounded up and questioned.

Sources within Imperial Intelligence, on the other hand, doubt the connection but report that investigations have begun in order to discover how the advanced technology would up in the hands of a heretofore unknown pirate gang.

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-10-18
Location: Red Castle Games (Casual X-Wing Sunday).

Battle 1
System: Mullan
WINNER: Empire

REBELS: Justin
Tycho Celchu + Marksmanship + Chardaan Refit
Corran Horn + Expert Handling + Proton Torpedoes
Grey Squadron Pilot + R5-D8 + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Torpedoes

EMPIRE: Mikael
"Deathrain" + Extra Munitions + Cluster Missiles + Seismic Charges + Fire-Control System
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles
2x Alpha Squadron Pilot + Autothrusters

Battle 2
System: Mullan

Kavil + Expert Handling + Autoblaster Turret + Engine Upgrade + Unhinged Astromech
Laetin A'Shera + "Heavy Scyk" Interceptor
Palob Godalhi + Lightning Reflexes + Blaster Turret + Recon Specialist + Moldy Crow
Binayre Pirate

EMPIRE: Philip
Darth Vader + Outmaneuver + Engine Upgrade + TIE/X1 + Advanced Targeting Computer
Alpha Squadron Pilot
2x Epsilon Squadron Pilot
Academy Pilot

Battle 3
System: Mullan
WINNER: Space Pirates

Omega Ace + Push the Limit "Deathrain" + Extra Munitions + Proximity Mines + Twin Ion entine Mk. II
Krassis Trelix + Heavy Laser Cannon + Rebel Captive

EMPIRE: Mikael
"Deathrain" + Extra Munitions + Cluster Missiles + Seismic Charges + Fire-Control System
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles
2x Alpha Squadron Pilot + Autothrusters

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