
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Emperor Palpatine Thwarts Rebel Coup d'Etat

Emperor Palpatine, most benevolent and enlightened ruler of the galaxy.

CALUULA SYSTEM - Through brilliant insight, Emperor Palpatine thwarted a Rebel plot to murder and secretly replace the Imperial head of state last night.

The Empire defeated the Rebel Alliance in two separate but related incidents last night. The first, an attempt to murder Emperor Palpatine, the legitimate ruler and first citizen of the Galactic Empire. The second was a rebel attempt to replace Emperor Palpatine with a false impostor.

The attack occurred during the Emperor's departure from Coruscant for the Outer Rim on an inspection of the blockade of the Calamari Sector. The Emperor's shuttle was attacked by two flights of TIE fighters having been usurped by the Rebel Alliance. Fortunately, the Emperor's own enlightened leadership qualities and the expertise of those flying escort for the Imperial shuttle, were able to quickly destroy the impostor TIE fighters.

With TIE fighter units momentarily compromised, the Emperor commissioned two private contractors to locate the impostor shuttle that was to replace His own on arrival in the Outer Rim. These contractors experienced little difficulty locating and destroying the impostor shuttle and its false escorts.

Asked how He had been made aware of the Rebel plot, Palpatine told HNN: "I had foreseen it."

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-10-5
Location: Guardian Games (casual game night).

Battle 1
System: Coruscant
WINNER: Empire

4x Academy Pilot + Twin Ion Engine Mk. II
4x Academy Pilot

EMPIRE: Brendan
Captain Kagi + Enhanced Scopes + Emperor Palpatine
Carnor Jax + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters
Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters

Battle 2
System: Caluula
WINNER: Private Contractors

Kath Scarlet + Calculation + Seismic Charges + Tactician + Andrasta + Proton Bombs + Proximity Mines
Krassis Trelix + Heavy Laser Cannon + Proximity Mines + Intelligence Agent + Slave I + Extra Munitions

Captain Kagi + Enhanced Scopes + Emperor Palpatine
Carnor Jax + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters
Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters

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