
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Imperial Navy Continues to Fight Crime in Liberated Space

Alien criminal taken into custody after surrender

STALIMUR SYSTEM - special starfighter and bomber units continue to wipe out crime in the territories recently cleared of rebel activity.

With the Pakuuni and Caluula systems in firm Imperial control, and the Rebel alliance cornered in the Calamari sector, the Imperial Navy is able to enforce Imperial law and order in the systems recently recaptured from the Rebellion.

Today, law enforcement operations netted two criminal bands. The first of these were operating a stole TIE Advanced starfighter, which Imperial pilots were able to destroy, while capturing a criminal wingman piloting a Firespray-31 attack craft, destroying another. The captured alien criminal will be transferred to the spice mines on Kessel in order to once again become a productive member of society, even if that society is among other criminals.

The criminal syndicate attempted retaliation, flying another Firespray-31 alongside refurbished Y-wing fighter-bombers of Clone War vintage, but were also destroyed by swift action by our Imperial Navy starfighter pilots.

With every eradicated criminal band removed from newly recaptured space, local civilians are finding new hope to return to a civilized lifestyle.

"Thank you for bringing the light of Imperial civilization back to us," said one denizen of this sector of the Outer Rim when interviewed by officers of the Imperial Security Buread (ISB), "you have no idea what this means to us!"

"I think we do," the officers replied, "I think we do."

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-10-22
Location: Home (Casual pick-up game).

Battle 1
System: Stalimur
WINNER: Empire

Maarek Stele + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
2x Bounty Hunter + Recon Specialist

EMPIRE: Mikael
"Deathrain" + Extra Munitions + Cluster Missiles + Seismic Charges + Fire-Control System
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles
2x Alpha Squadron Pilot + Autothrusters

Battle 2
System: Stalimur
WINNER: Empire

SCUM: Nick
Boba Fett + Outmaneuver + Tactician + Glitterstim + Engine Upgrade
2x Syndicate Thug + Twin Laser Turret + Unhinged Astromech

EMPIRE: Mikael
"Deathrain" + Extra Munitions + Cluster Missiles + Seismic Charges + Fire-Control System
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles
2x Alpha Squadron Pilot + Autothrusters

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