
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Imperial Starfighters Clear the Spacelanes of Rebel and Other Criminal Activity

TIE/x1 Advanced escort fighter patrolling the systems of the Tion Cluster

RAXUS SYSTEM - Pilots for the Imperial Navy struck yet another blow for order, stability, and the Imperial Way, today. With actions along the Tion Trade Route, rebel and criminal activity has been suitably crushed, and will think again before rearing its ugly head.

The Imperial Navy continues to clear crime and insurrection out of the sectors near the justly beleaguered Calamari Sector. Today, flights of space superiority fighters engaged in a hunt for rebels and other criminals along the Tion Trade Route between Raxus and Eredenn.

Systems cleared of crime and insurrection along the Tion Trade Route

The Imperial pilots were so eager to show their mettle against scum of all colors, that some Imperial units came to blows between one another. Some report that the Emperor Himself came to witness their prowess, doubtlessly spurring on our pilots' zeal to rid the galaxy of crime and rebellion.

The casualties taken through such 'friendly fire' actions have been deemed by the Imperial Navy Admiralty as well as the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) to be acceptable losses.

While tragic, it is understood that "TIE pilots will be TIE pilots". As long as the criminals and insurrectionists are dealt with, any losses are considered to be for the greatest cause - galactic stability and the Emperor's glory.

A particularly-heated exchange took place in the Rudrig system, where the Tion Trade Route meets the Rudrig-Gbu Way, as different units - some including private contractors - had jurisdictional disputes.

Ultimately, all was for the best, as the criminals were thoroughly put down and turned to flight.

Similar actions are expected tomorrow towards the trailing end of the Tion Trade Route, as units operating from Roodkasteel station also commence counter-terrorism actions.

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-11-7
Location: Guardian Games (Fall Kit tournament).
More data will soon be uploaded to the X-Wing List Juggler, but here are at least my battles. Overall, though, the Empire dominated the top tables, though there was one rebel list that snuck up to 2nd place in the tournament. As a result, however, there were a lot of Empire-Empire mirror matches.

Battle 1
System: Rudrig
WINNER: Empire (Mikael)

EMPIRE: Joshua
Kath Scarlet + Veteran Instincts + "Mangler" Cannon + Gunner + Engine Upgrade
Rexlar Brath + Push the Limit + Heavy Laser Cannon + Twin Ion Engine Mk. II

EMPIRE: Mikael
Darth Vader + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + Engine Upgrade + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
Juno Eclipse + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
2x Academy Pilot

Battle 2
System: Argoon
WINNER: Empire

SCUM: Stason Joltz
Latts Razzi + Bossk + Weapons Engineer + Tactician + "Hot Shot" Blaster + Munitions Failsafe
2x Black Sun Ace + Crack Shot + "Hot Shot" Blaster + Munitions Failsafe

EMPIRE: Mikael
Darth Vader + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + Engine Upgrade + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
Juno Eclipse + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
2x Academy Pilot

Battle 3
System: Tion
WINNER: Empire (Bruin)

Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Royal Guard TIE + Stealth Device
Carnor Jax + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Royal Guard TIE + Stealth Device
Omicron Group Pilot + Emperor Palpatine + Enhanced Scopes + Tactical Jammer

EMPIRE: Mikael
Darth Vader + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + Engine Upgrade + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
Juno Eclipse + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
2x Academy Pilot

Battle 4
System: Clariv
WINNER: Empire (Xander)

EMPIRE: Xander
"Dark Curse"
4x Tempest Squadron Pilot + TIE/x1 + Accuracy Corrector

EMPIRE: Mikael
Darth Vader + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + Engine Upgrade + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
Juno Eclipse + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Proton Rockets + TIE/x1 + Adv. Targeting Computer
2x Academy Pilot

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