
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Covert Operations Crush Criminal Convoys

One of the Imperial pilots, callsign "Echo", involved in the destruction of criminal convoys along the Corellian Run

SIRPAR SYSTEM - After months of acting with relative impunity, the criminals of the Arkanis sector have had their noses (or snouts) bloodied by the Empire. Imperial Navy pilots, under the direction of Moff Dzon Brennin, have struck a blow for law and order against the criminals of the sector.

A covert element of Imperial spacecraft ambushed and destroyed two small convoys of spice smugglers in the Sirpar system, along the Corellian Run. The Corellian Run, being the main trade route connecting the Arkanis sector to the galactic core at Corellia, is a notorious thoroughfare of spice, weapons, and trade in human slaves. By destroying the convoy, the Empire

While the mission was classified as 'Covert', Imperial Intelligence declassified that a critical participant in the mission was a pilot going by the callsign "Echo". The type of starfighter flown by "Echo" remains classified, but it is understood that she was accompanied by a larger patrol craft of the VT-49 "Decimator" type.

HNN was allowed a brief glimpse of this pilot, whom our COMPNOR minder told us was the Empire's most deadly 'femme fatale'. With a number of female pilots rising in the ranks of the Imperial Navy's fighter pilot corps, that title that is presently hotly contested, and will soon have another contestant added to the ranks.

Fortunately, those femmes fatale are loyal to the Empire and their deadly arts are aimed at those considered outside of Imperial law and erosive of galactic stability.


Game: X-Wing
Location: Home

Battle 1
System: Sirpar
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-5-13

SCUM: Kelley
Palob Godalhi + Opportunist + Blaster Turret + K4 Security Droid + Moldy Crow
Syndicate Thug + Blaster Turret + BTL-A4 Y-Wing + Unhinged Astromech + Engine Upgrade + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
Binayre Pirate + Engine Upgrade + Dead Man's Switch
Binayre Pirate + Engine Upgrade + Feedback Array

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 2
System: Sirpar
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-5-13

SCUM: Kelley
Palob Godalhi + Opportunist + Blaster Turret + K4 Security Droid + Moldy Crow
Syndicate Thug + Blaster Turret + BTL-A4 Y-Wing + Unhinged Astromech + Engine Upgrade + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
Binayre Pirate + Engine Upgrade + Dead Man's Switch
Binayre Pirate + Engine Upgrade + "Hot Shot" Blaster

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

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