
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Lord Darth Vader Brings New Levels of Morale to Arkanis Sector Front

Lord Darth Vader inspecting his TIE/x1

ARKANIS SYSTEM - In an effort to buck up Imperial morale on the front lines of the Arkanis sector, Lord Darth Vader himself engaged with pilots serving in the Arkanis Sector Group's fighter wings.

In order to show them how it's done, the Emperor's right-hand man flew in a number of skirmishes with his newly-refurbished TIE/x1 fighter, equipped with an advanced targeting computer, capable of targeting enemy (and friendly) fighters more accurately, and therefore more destructively.

The TIE/sa bomber pilots of the Scimitar Squadron were impressed and their morale for engaging the enemy is now greatly renewed after the Dark Lord shot six of them down. Their demise is said to bring levels of motivation heretofore unknown among Scimitar Squadron Pilots.

"!" Scimitar Squadron Pilot AS-863 told HNN, "I have more motivation than ever to bring the fight to the criminals and rebels of this sector. Seeing Lord Vader fly his superb craft against my late wingmates is all the inspiration I need!"

The Scimitar Squadron is once again ready to bring the fight to the enemy. This is deemed more necessary than ever as patrols have detected increased levels of spice shipments being brought along the Corellian Run hyperroute. Interdicting the spice shipments coming out of the sector, as well as supplied entering the sector is deemed key to putting an end to the wave insurrection and crime that has plagued this region of space in recent months.


Game: X-Wing
Location: Red Castle Games

Battle 1
System: Arkanis
WINNER: True Empire
DATE: 2015-5-13

Darth Vader + Predator + TIE/X1 (Title) + Advanced Targeting Computer
Juno Eclipse + Push the Limit + TIE/X1 (Title) + Advanced Targeting Computer
Colonel Vessery

"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System + Intelligence Agent
Captain Jonus
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles

Battle 2
System: Arkanis
WINNER: True Empire
DATE: 2015-5-13

Darth Vader + Predator + TIE/X1 (Title) + Advanced Targeting Computer
Juno Eclipse + Push the Limit + TIE/X1 (Title) + Advanced Targeting Computer
Colonel Vessery

"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System + Intelligence Agent
Captain Jonus
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles

Battle 3
System: Arkanis
WINNER: True Empire
DATE: 2015-5-13

SCUM: Steven
Serissu + Veteran Instincts
Kaa'to Leeachos
Palob Godalhi + Opportunist + Blaster Turret + K4 Security Droid + Moldy Crow
Drea Renthal + Ion Cannon Turret + BTL-A4 Y-Wing + R4-B11

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System + Rebel Captive
"Mauler" Mithel
2x Academy Pilot

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