
Monday, May 18, 2015

Imperial Navy Presses Advantage in Arkanis Sector

Mandalorian mercenaries attempting to enact a counter-reprisal against Imperial forces.

ARKANIS SYSTEM - Imperial action against the criminal and insurgent forces of the Arkanis Sector proceeds apace. In a number of skirmishes in the Huldamun and Issor, the Empire has bested the cartel forces, returning a glimmer of hope to the benighted region.

In the Huldamun system, Imperial elements encountered an escorted spice shipment making its way along the Vaschean Way from the illicit spice manufacturing areas deeper in the sector.

The spice was intended to be smuggled into civilized space and onto the markets of the Core worlds. Attempting vengeance, the cartel in question commissioned a spiteful reaction by two mercenary vessels. True to form, the pilots of the Imperial Navy drove one to escape to hyperspace, while the other surrendered.

The precise composition of the Imperial elements remains classified under order from Moff Dzon Brennin. Brennin is a former Imperial Intelligence officer, who has brought a new, more covert-action approach to combating crime in this Outer Rim sector.

Even some naysayers and malcontents on the galactic news nets admit that the Empire may have turned the corner on a troubled number of months. The rebels and criminans, recently found to be in close collusion with one another have suffered a number of defeats recently, and analysts believe that the days of the rebellion and its associated spice cartels will soon be no more than a painful memory.

The successes are surmised to be the covert-action work directed by Moff Brennin, but also due to Imperial pilots undergoing extra training against superior TIE fighter vessels. These TIE "Advanced" have been refitted with upgraded technology soon to be spread out among the Imperial Navy's finest pilots. They have been recently deployed against Moff Brennin's covert forces as part of the latter's special training programs.


Game: X-Wing
Location: Red Castle Games (casual games).

Battle 1
System: Huldamun
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-5-17

SCUM: Steven
Serissu + Calculation
Kaa'to Leeachos
Palob Godalhi + Opportunist + Blaster Turret + K4 Security Droid + Moldy Crow
Drea Renthal + Ion Cannon Turret + BTL-A4 Y-Wing + R4-Agromech

Battle 2
System: Arkanis
WINNER: False Empire
DATE: 2015-5-17

Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device
Lieutenant Colzet + TIE/x1 + Fire Control System
2x Temptest Squadron Pilot + TIE/x1 + Accuracy Corrector

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 3
System: Issor
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-5-17

SCUM: Steven
2x Mandalorian Mercenary + Push the Limit + Engine Upgrade + Proton Bomb + K4 Security Droid

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

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