
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Incontrovertible Evidence: Collusion Between Criminal Element, Rebellion

Black Sun Syndicate markings on Z-95 snubfighter accompanied by Rebel B-Wing heavy fighter.

ARKANIS SYSTEM - Imperial Navy Intelligence has released incontrovertible evidence of the operational link between the Rebellion and the criminal element in the Arkanis Sector.

This evidence was captured during a number of reprisal raids against the rebellion and criminal elements, launched by the Arkanis Sector Group this morning. Many of the raids were tactical successes, resulting in the elimination of a number of rebels as well as other violent criminals in the sector.

However, one of the raids - while technically a tactical defeat - revealed imagery of a Z-95 "Headhunter" snubfighter bearing the markings of the Black Sun crime syndicate, while at the same time flying support for a B-Wing heavy fighter, while escorting a spice shipment in a light freighter. While the pilots capturing the imagery were heinously murdered by the criminal rebels, one of the pilots was able to transmit the imagery to the Sector Group headquarters on Arkanis Prime.

By transmitting the data, the pilot in question - whose name will be kept classified in the interest of the pilot's family and other loved ones - the pilot's sacrifice served the greater interest of the Empire and galactic civilization as a whole. Selflessly turning a technical defeat into a strategic victory is a form of heroism only those wearing the uniform of the Empire are capable of.

Meanwhile, the other reprisal raids were deemed successful, and resulted in a large number of rebel and criminal casualties. The galaxy and the still-loyal citizens of the citizens of the Arkanis sector can sleep a little sounder tonight, while the worthless denizens who have thrown their lot in with the criminal rebellion now face their inevitable just punishment, as the Imperial Navy tightens its noose of justice and embargo around this anarchic sector.


Game: X-Wing
Location: Guardian Games Ersatz Tournament (Summer 2014 kit)
(List Juggler Data)

Battle 1
System: Huldamun
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-5-16

REBELS: Xander
Etahn A'baht + Line Wolf + R5-P9
3x Rookie Pilot

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 2
System: Issor
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-5-16

SCUM: Jason
Kavil + Blaster Turret + R4 Agromech + Swarm Tactics
Torkhil Mux + Ion Cannon Turret + Intelligence Agent
2x Syndicate Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 3
System: Najiba
WINNER: Rebels
DATE: 2015-5-16

Corran Horn + Push the Limit + Fire-Control System + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade
3x Green Squadron Pilot + Chardaan Refit

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 4
System: Sirpar
WINNER: Rebels
DATE: 2015-5-16

REBELS: Justin
Han Solo + Marksmanship + Gunner
Blue Squadron Pilot
2x Bandit Squadron Pilot

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

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