
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Emperor Escapes Near Tragedy While Inspecting Preparations for Final Destruction of Rebel Alliance

His Imperial Highness, Emperor Palpatine with his trusted personal aide, Lord Darth Vader

PAKUUNI SYSTEM - Emperor Palpatine narrowly avoided an accident of 'friendly' fire today during his approach to the massing fleet in the Pakuuni system

A squad of trainee TIE Punisher pilots fired upon an escorted Lambda-class shuttle carrying Emperor Palpatine today, after the same squad encountered rebel B-Wing fighters attempting to test the Imperial Navy blockade in the Pakuuni system.

The galaxy breathed a sigh of relief that the Emperor's escorts, none other than his right-hand man - Lord Darth Vader, and another starfighter pilot of renown - Baron Soontir Fel of the 181st Fighter Wing, were able to prevent the attack on the Emperor.

The Emperor was in the Pakuuni system to inspect Imperial Navy preparations. The Imperial fleet is maintaining a blockade against the Calamari sector and massing fleet elements in order to put an end to the Calamari betrayal and uprising.

With rebel and other criminal attacks occurring daily in the in and near the Calamari sector, Imperial Navy pilots are deemed to be under stress. According to medical droids, Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) can lead to frayed nerves and cause trainee pilots to fire before full identify friend-or-foe determinations have been made.

The Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) ordered citizens to celebrate the Emperor's narrow escape.

"Our galaxy would have been doomed if this most selfless and devoted man had been killed in such an accident," COMPNOR spokesman Prop Agandist told HNN. "Thank goodness He is safe, and thank the Emperor that we may continue to be blessed by his most enlightened rule."

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-9-28
Location: Guardian Games (casual game night).

Battle 1
System: Pakuuni
WINNER: Empire

Rebels: Jimmy
Ten Numb + Marksmanship + Advanced Proton Torpedoes + Proton Torpedoes + "Mangler" Cannon + Enhanced Scopes + Engine Upgrade
Nera Dantels + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Proton Torpedoes + Proton Torpedoes + Autoblaster + Enhanced Scopes + Munitions Failsafe

EMPIRE: Michael
Captain Jonus + Squad Leader + Flechette Torpedoes
2x Cutlass Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles + Cluster Mines + Fire-Control System + Munitions Failsafe

Battle 2
System: Pakuuni
WINNER: Empire (Emperor)

Empire: Matt
Darth Vader + Calculation + Engine Upgrade + TIE/x1 + Advanced Targeting Computer
Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Royal Guard TIE + Stealth Device
Omicron Group Pilot + Emperor Palpatine

EMPIRE: Michael
Captain Jonus + Squad Leader + Flechette Torpedoes
2x Cutlass Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles + Cluster Mines + Fire-Control System + Munitions Failsafe

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