
Monday, September 28, 2015

Empire Determined to End Droid Scourge

Two Aggressor assault fighters, piloted by murderous droids

PAKUUNI SYSTEM - The Imperial Navy has declared its determination to eradicate the droid menace that has escaped the Arkanis sector.

Following an incident in the Eredenn system involving murderous droids behind Imperial lines, Admiral Ren Darvox had declared more forces will be devoted to the eradication of droids programmed for the murder of humans, operating within Imperial territory in the sectors under his command.

The incident involved an attack on a peaceful Imperial training patrol, involving one of the new TIE Punisher craft. Two Aggressor assault fighters made an unprovoked attack on the training patrol, remorselessly killing all trainees. According to sensor logs, the Aggressor fighters were piloted by IG-series assassin droids. Fortunately, Imperial forces were quick to respond and the retaliatory strike forcefully deactivated the heinous droids.

The IG-series was a series of droids manufactured by Holowan Laboratories during the final years of the Galactic Republic, and were used as both bodyguards and assassins. The determination to rid the galaxy of such a droid menace was one of the founding reasons for the establishment of the Empire, next to reducing Senate corruption and Separatist insurrection.

Adm. Darvox was recently put in charge of the old Maldrood Oversector in the Outer Rim. His purpose has been to contain the separatism of the Mon Calamari and Quarren, ingrate denizens of the Dac System in the Calamari Sector.

The droid incident in the Eredenn system comes at a time when the Empire is preparing to return the Calamari sector back to Imperial control. Reports indicate that Imperial-class star destroyers and new Raider-class corvettes are being deployed to the borders of the Calamari sector in order to witness the quashing of the Calamari revolt.

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-9-26
Location: Disc Heroes (casual game meetup).

Battle 1
System: Eredenn

SCUM: Brian
IG-88B + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire-Control System + IG-2000 + Inertial Dampeners
IG-88C + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire-Control System + IG-2000 + Inertial Dampeners

EMPIRE: Michael
Darth Vader + Predator + Proton Rockets + Advanced Targeting Computer + TIE/X1
Cutlass Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Cluster Missiles + Fire-Control System + Munitions Failsafe 2x Epsilon Squadron Pilot + Weapons Guidance

Battle 2
System: Eredenn
WINNER: Empire

SCUM: Brian
IG-88B + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire-Control System + IG-2000 + Inertial Dampeners
IG-88C + Outmaneuver + Outmaneuver + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire-Control System + IG-2000 + Inertial Dampeners

EMPIRE: Michael
Darth Vader + Predator + Proton Rockets + Advanced Targeting Computer + TIE/X1
Cutlass Squadron Pilot + Extra Munitions + Cluster Missiles + Fire-Control System + Munitions Failsafe 2x Epsilon Squadron Pilot + Weapons Guidance

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