Gozanti-class assault carrier Suppressor returning from patrol during which it did not encounter the fugitive transport Bright Hope
BRIGIA SYSTEM - The Empire refutes rumor and speculation that the fugitive transport Bright Hope slipped past its blockade at the Eredenn system. Those spreading this hearsay will be charged with treason.
Treasonous rumors erupted earlier today that the fugitive transport Bright Hope escaped capture by the Imperial Assault Carrier Suppressor. The Suppressor has been on a routine outer-system patrol of the Eredenn system, but the ship's political officer reports that no fugitive transports were sighted.
The rumors falsely suggest that the Bright Hope bypassed the Imperial blockade that isolates the rebellious Calamari sector from interstellar commerce.
The Keldrath Sector office of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) has declared spreading rumors about the passage of Rebel ships through the Imperial blockade as covered by the Official Falsehoods Act. Those spreading official falsehoods about such events will be charged, found guilty, and committed to the spice mines of Kessel for re-education.
The Official Falsehoods Act covers all statements found to be treasonous to the lawful order of the galaxy as governed by the Galactic Empire. Sector COMPNOR offices have the authority to place particular falsehoods on the Official Falsehoods list.
The Galactic Civil Liberties Union (GCLU) has appealed the decision. Pursuant to that appeal being put on the Official Falsehoods list, the chapter members of the GCLU were deported to the spice mines of Kessel.