Monday, October 26, 2015

Imperial Navy Drives Towards Mon Calamari Homeworld, Seizing Turkana

Theia's fleet of Corellian corvettes attempting to attack a civilian convoy in the Shaylin system.

TURKANA SYSTEM - The Imperial Navy struck a strong blow for galactic peace and stability today, destroying the Rebel presence in the Turkana system.

The Imperial Navy made a powerful advance towards the Calamari sector today. In the Turkana system, the vanguard battle line encountered stiff resistance from the forces of the abominable warlord Lyraeus. These were driven to retreat back to the Shaylin system. There, rebel privateers commanded by the infamous Admiral Theia attempted to attack a civilian convoy evacuating innocent civilians, but were halted by another Imperial attack line.

Admiral Theia is a ruthless war criminal, responsible for the mass killing of human civilians aboard an orbital station in the Ryndellia system nearly seven months ago. While cynically claiming to have an interest in protecting human life, the attack vector of her flotilla of corvette was unmistakable. Unfortunately for the war criminal, the convoy she had targeted proved to be an Imperial attack line commanded by none other than Admiral Screed.

Having routed Theia's forces, Admiral Screed pushed on towards Turkana. There he encountered the forces of the warlord Lyraeus, attempting to ensconce his assault frigates near a dangerous asteroid field. Lyraeus' bloodthirstiness proved to be a liability when his frigates were flanked by two Victory-class star destroyers under Admiral Screed's command. Lyraeus' forces quickly engaged the hyperdrive, imprudently driving deeper into territory reclaimed by the Empire.

With Admiral Screed's forces saving the forward momentum towards the Mon Calamari homeworld, Lyraeus and Theia managed to regroup at the Shaylin system. Rather than joining forces against the Empire, these two rivals for dominance within the Rebel ranks set upon eachother, as Theia's forces ambushed those belonging to Lyraeus.

Having captured the Turkana system, the Imperial Navy expects to suppress rebel activity in the Shaylin system, while moving on to Munto Codru system and ever closer to victory over the vicious and fractious Rebellion.

GAME: Armada
LOCATION: Red Castle Games (Summer Kit tournament)
DATE: 2015-10-25

Battle 1 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Turkana system
WINNER: Rebels (1-10 Tournament points; 164-426 MoV)

REBELS: Warlord Lyraeus
Assault Frigate MKIIB + General Dodonna + Intel Officer + Gunnery Team + Advanced Projectors + Enhanced Armament
Assault Frigate MKIIA + Intel Officer + Gunnery Team + Advanced Projectors + Enhanced Armament
Keyan Farlander
Tycho Celchu
A-wing Squadron
2x B-wing Squadron

Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + H9 Turbolasers + Warlord
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Weapons Liaison + Gunnery Team + Assault Concussion Missiles + Demolisher
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Assault Concussion Missiles
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Battle 2 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: SYSTEM: Shaylin system
WINNER: Empire (9-1 Tournament points; 247-86 Victory Points)
OBJECTIVE: Advanced Gunnery

EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Intel Officer
Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Intel Officer + XI7 Turbolasers
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Demolisher
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

REBELS: Admiral Theia
CR90 Corvette B + Mon Mothma + Engine Techs
CR90 Corvette A + Engine Techs
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Overload Pulse
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Overload Pulse
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Dodonna's Pride

Battle 3 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Turkana system
WINNER: Empire (10-0 Tournament points; 360-0 MoV)
OBJECTIVE: Dangerous Territory

EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Intel Officer
Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Intel Officer + XI7 Turbolasers
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Demolisher
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

REBELS: Warlord Lyraeus
Assault Frigate MKIIB + General Dodonna + Intel Officer + Gunnery Team + Advanced Projectors + Enhanced Armament
Assault Frigate MKIIA + Intel Officer + Gunnery Team + Advanced Projectors + Enhanced Armament
Keyan Farlander
Tycho Celchu
A-wing Squadron
2x B-wing Squadron

Battle 4 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Shaylin system
WINNER: Rebels (1-9 Tournament points; 319-209 MoV)
OBJECTIVE: [not recorded]
INITIATIVE: [not recorded]

REBELS: Admiral Theia
CR90 Corvette B + Mon Mothma + Engine Techs
CR90 Corvette A + Engine Techs
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Overload Pulse
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Overload Pulse
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Dodonna's Pride

Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + H9 Turbolasers + Warlord
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Weapons Liaison + Gunnery Team + Assault Concussion Missiles + Demolisher
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Assault Concussion Missiles
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Battle 5 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Turkana system
WINNER: Darth Vader Empire (10-0 Tournament points; 356-103 Victory Points)
OBJECTIVE: Advanced Gunnery

EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Intel Officer
Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Intel Officer + XI7 Turbolasers
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Demolisher
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Victory 1-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + H9 Turbolasers + Warlord
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Weapons Liaison + Gunnery Team + Assault Concussion Missiles + Demolisher
Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyer + Assault Concussion Missiles
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Battle 6 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Shaylin system
WINNER: Lyreaus's Rebels (5-5 Tournament points; 53 - 34 Victory Points)
OBJECTIVE: Fleet Ambush

REBELS: Warlord Lyraeus
Assault Frigate MKIIB + General Dodonna + Intel Officer + Gunnery Team + Advanced Projectors + Enhanced Armament
Assault Frigate MKIIA + Intel Officer + Gunnery Team + Advanced Projectors + Enhanced Armament
Keyan Farlander
Tycho Celchu
A-wing Squadron
2x B-wing Squadron

REBELS: Admiral Theia
CR90 Corvette B + Mon Mothma + Engine Techs
CR90 Corvette A + Engine Techs
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Overload Pulse
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Overload Pulse
CR90 Corvette B + Engine Techs + Dodonna's Pride

Final Tally of Points:
Mikael Hasselstein, 28 TPs, 735 MoV
Warlord Lyraeus: 15 TPs, 281 MoV
Admiral Theia: 14 TPs, 110 MoV
Max: 3 TPs, 0 MoV

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