VERGESSO SYSTEM - Wednesday Imperial patrol led by the Victory-class star destroyer Despot thwarted a rebel attempt to take over a space station in the Vergesso System. Giving chase to the fleeing rebels, the Despot encountered an attempted ambush in the neighboring Bajic system.
Capture of the space station would have offered the rebellion a base of operations in the region. Having their attempt to seize the station defeated, the rebel ships retreated rimward with the Despot giving chase.
Coming out of hyperspace in the Bajic system, the Despot encountered more rebel ships escorted by the infamous X-Wing fighters. These were, thankfully, destroyed by quick action by the Despot's TIE fighter squadrons, acting as a defensive screen against such fighter-bomber attack. Having been foiled a second time, the rebels fled further towards the rim.
Both systems lie along the Five Veils Route beyond the Trailing Sectors of the Outer Rim (see map to the right). The Five Veils Route and the nearby Llanic Spice Run are notorious trade routes for contraband, such as spice, human slaves, alien pornography and weapons.
According to Imperial Intelligence (specific sources to remain unnamed), these are routes by which the rebellion and other criminal elements are funding their continued insurgency in the Arkanis Sector. The Empire has erected a blockade centered on the Savareen Sector in an effort to choke off the Arkanis sector, depriving it of resources and capital.