RUISTO SYSTEM - In a glorious offensive, the Imperial Navy has conquered three systems in the Calamari sector, and now stands on the verge of capturing the Mon Calamari homeworld itself. The Rebellion is projected to be crushed within the coming weeks, driven back into the shadows after it loses the shipyard facilities in the Dac system.
Despite early setbacks in the Reginard system the day before, the Empire's star destroyers destroyed nearly all resistance before it, as it captured both Reginard and Ruisto, taking control of the Overic Griplink hyperroute.
At Reginard, both the notorious warlord Lyraeus and the uterly reprehensible Admiral Theia put up a defense of the system. The following day, Lyraeus appeared to have quit the field of battle, leaving Theia to hold Reginard on her own. In this she proved unsuccessful as one Imperial line drove her from Reginard and another from Ruisto. In a desperate attempt to save her infamous status within the ranks of the rebellion, she attacked her own Rebel cohorts.
Behind the front lines in the Dellalt system, meanwhile, several Imperial lines skirmished with one another during maneuvering and firing drills. The recent hard-won victories there provided the commanders, crews and pilots with ample amounts of debris fields in order to offer them challenges and prepare them for more combat.
A more stalwart resistance was put up by another Rebel commander - a vile traitor to the Empire. Line Captain Phendan Brelan was once considered a courageous and skillful wing commander in the Imperial Navy before his fall from grace. Now he suffers the hatred of millions of former comrades-in-arms and the disdain of billions of loyal Imperial citizens. He paid for his betrayal early when he was driven from Ruisto. In his cowardly flight from the front line, he fled through the Dac system to the Minntooine system. Regrettably his arrival there gave a momentary pause to another Imperial naval assault along the Giblim Route into the Calamari sector.
Fortunately, Captain Brelan's efforts proved to be futile in the face of the unstoppable Imperial advance as other Imperial commanders destroyed Brelan's Rebel confederates. The Rebel resistance was crushed on Minntooine, liberating it from their anarchic scourge. Among these was Commodore Naboobo, the hero of the Colundra system, who had routed a disorderly band of rebels.
Meanwhile, the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) reports of internecine skirmishes behind rebel lines. This is doubtlessly the effect of military losses triggering a power struggle within rebel ranks. The galaxy will breathe a sigh of relief when the Rebel menace has been lifted from the Outer Rim, and their alien cohorts brought under subjugation.
GAME: Armada
LOCATION1: Portland Game Store (Friday Tournament)
LOCATION2: Dice Age Games (Saturday Tournament)
DATES: 2016-1-15 & 2016-1-16
TOURNAMENT 1 (Portland Game Store, Friday Night)
Battle 1 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Reginard system
WINNER: Rebels
OBJECTIVE: Precision Strike
REBELS: Lyraeus
MC80 Command Cruiser + General Dodonna + Home One
2x Assault Frigate Mark II B + Gunnery Teams
Jan Ors
3x B-Wing Fighter Squadron
3x X-Wing Fighter Squadron
EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Boosted Comms
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Boosted Comms + Slaved Turrets
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Boosted Comms + Slaved Turrets
Major Rhymer
JumpMaster 5000
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
TIE Advanced Squadron
4x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 2 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Reginard system
WINNER: Rebels
REBELS: Admiral Theia
MC80 [???] + Admiral Ackbar + [???]
MC80 [???] Cruiser
MC80 [???] Cruiser
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Electronic Countermeasures + Leading Shots + Heavy Turbolaser Turrets + Relentless
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Gunnery Teams
Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer + Assault Proton Torpedoes
Battle 3 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dac system
WINNER: Warlord Lyraeus Rebels
REBELS: Admiral Theia
MC80 [???] + Admiral Ackbar + [???]
MC80 [???] Cruiser
MC80 [???] Cruiser
REBELS: Lyraeus
MC80 Command Cruiser + General Dodonna + Home One
2x Assault Frigate Mark II B + Gunnery Teams
Jan Ors
3x B-Wing Fighter Squadron
3x X-Wing Fighter Squadron
Battle 4 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dellalt system
WINNER: True Empire (10-0)
OBJECTIVE: Contested Outpost
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Electronic Countermeasures + Leading Shots + Heavy Turbolaser Turrets + Relentless
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Gunnery Teams
Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer + Assault Proton Torpedoes
TRUE EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Boosted Comms
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Boosted Comms + Slaved Turrets
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Boosted Comms + Slaved Turrets
Major Rhymer
JumpMaster 5000
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
TIE Advanced Squadron
4x TIE Fighter Squadron
Final Tally of Points:
(We only did two rounds - we were all just tired, which seems to be the case frequently for these Friday evening/night tournaments.)
Warlord Lyraeus: 1st place
Mikael Hasselstein: 2nd place
Admiral Theia: 3rd place
Max: 4th place
Imperial victories over Rebels: 0
Rebel victories over Imperials: 2
TOURNAMENT 2 (Dice Age Games, Saturday)
Battle 1 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Reginard system
WINNER: Empire
OBJECTIVE: Precision Strike
TRAITOR REBELS: Traitor Brendan
MC80 Assault Cruiser + Admiral Ackbar + Intel Officer + Projection Experts + Redundant Shields + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Home One
MC80 Assault Cruiser + Intel Officer + Projection Experts + Redundant Shields + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Defiance
CR90 Corvette A + Enhanced Armament
EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Wing Commander + Boosted Comms
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Wing Commander + Expanded Hangars + Slaved Turrets
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Director Isard + Slaved Turrets
Major Rhymer
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 2 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Ruisto system
WINNER: Commodore Ma'gi'eo's Empire
EMPIRE: Commodore Ma'gi'eo
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Electronic Countermeasures, Gunnery Team, Leading Shots, XI7 Turbolasers
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Electronic Countermeasures, Gunnery Team, Leading Shots, Wing Commander, XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger
JumpMaster 5000
4x TIE Bomber Squadron
2x TIE Advanced Squadron
REBEL: Mike R.
MC80 [???] Cruiser + [???]
MC30 [???] + [???]
Dash Rendar
Wedge Antilles X-Wing Squadron
1 X-Wing Squadron
4x A-Wing Squadron
Battle 3 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Minntooine system
WINNER: Empire
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Captain Needa + Gunnery Team + Electronic Countermeasures + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits + Avenger
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Director Isard + Gunnery Team + H9 Turbolasers + Warlord
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
5x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 4 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Minntooine system
WINNER: Empire
OBJECTIVE: Contested Outpost
EMPIRE: Commodore Naboobo
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Ozzel + Gunnery Team + Leading Shots, XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
2x Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes
TIE Interceptor Squadron
2x TIE Fighter Squadron
Assault Frigate MkII[???] + General Rieekan + [???]
2x Nebulon-B [???] + [???]
MC30[???] + [???]
Battle 5 (Round 1)
SYSTEM: Reginard system
WINNER: Empire
REBELS: Admiral Theia
MC80 [???] + Admiral Ackbar + XI7 Turbolasers + [???]
MC80 [???] Cruiser + XI7 Turbolasers + [???]
2x YT-2400
4x A-Wing Squadron
Battle 6 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dellalt system
WINNER: Henry's Empire
OBJECTIVE: Hyperspace Assault
INITIATIVE: Commodore Naboobo
EMPIRE: Commodore Naboobo
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Ozzel + Gunnery Team + Leading Shots, XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
2x Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes
TIE Interceptor Squadron
2x TIE Fighter Squadron
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Captain Needa + Gunnery Team + Electronic Countermeasures + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits + Avenger
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Director Isard + Gunnery Team + H9 Turbolasers + Warlord
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
5x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 7 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dellalt system
WINNER: Commodore Ma'gi'eo's Empire
OBJECTIVE: Superior Positions
INITIATIVE: Hasselsteins' Empire
EMPIRE: Commodore Ma'gi'eo
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Electronic Countermeasures, Gunnery Team, Leading Shots, XI7 Turbolasers
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Electronic Countermeasures, Gunnery Team, Leading Shots, Wing Commander, XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger
JumpMaster 5000
4x TIE Bomber Squadron
2x TIE Advanced Squadron
EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Wing Commander + Boosted Comms
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Wing Commander + Expanded Hangars + Slaved Turrets
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Director Isard + Slaved Turrets
Major Rhymer
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 8 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dellalt system
WINNER: Traitorous Rebels
TRAITOR REBELS: Traitor Brendan
MC80 Assault Cruiser + Admiral Ackbar + Intel Officer + Projection Experts + Redundant Shields + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Home One
MC80 Assault Cruiser + Intel Officer + Projection Experts + Redundant Shields + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Defiance
CR90 Corvette A + Enhanced Armament
Battle 9 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dac system
WINNER: Theia Rebels
REBEL: Mike R.
MC80 [???] Cruiser + [???]
MC30 [???] + [???]
Dash Rendar
Wedge Antilles X-Wing Squadron
1 X-Wing Squadron
4x A-Wing Squadron
REBELS: Admiral Theia
MC80 [???] + Admiral Ackbar + XI7 Turbolasers + [???]
MC80 [???] Cruiser + XI7 Turbolasers + [???]
2x YT-2400
4x A-Wing Squadron
Battle 10 (Round 2)
SYSTEM: Dac system
WINNER: Greg Rebels
Assault Frigate MkII[???] + General Rieekan + [???]
2x Nebulon-B [???] + [???]
MC30[???] + [???]
Battle 11 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Dellalt system
WINNER: Henry's Empire
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Captain Needa + Gunnery Team + Electronic Countermeasures + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits + Avenger
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Director Isard + Gunnery Team + H9 Turbolasers + Warlord
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
5x TIE Fighter Squadron
EMPIRE: Commodore Ma'gi'eo
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Electronic Countermeasures, Gunnery Team, Leading Shots, XI7 Turbolasers
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Electronic Countermeasures, Gunnery Team, Leading Shots, Wing Commander, XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger
JumpMaster 5000
4x TIE Bomber Squadron
2x TIE Advanced Squadron
Battle 12 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Minntooine system
WINNER: Traitor Rebels
TRAITOR REBELS: Traitor Brendan
MC80 Assault Cruiser + Admiral Ackbar + Intel Officer + Projection Experts + Redundant Shields + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Home One
MC80 Assault Cruiser + Intel Officer + Projection Experts + Redundant Shields + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Defiance
CR90 Corvette A + Enhanced Armament
EMPIRE: Commodore Naboobo
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Ozzel + Gunnery Team + Leading Shots, XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Demolisher
2x Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Ordnance Experts + Assault Proton Torpedoes
TIE Interceptor Squadron
2x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 13 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Dellalt system
WINNER: Empire
OBJECTIVE: Minefields
REBELS: Admiral Theia
MC80 [???] + Admiral Ackbar + XI7 Turbolasers + [???]
MC80 [???] Cruiser + XI7 Turbolasers + [???]
2x YT-2400
4x A-Wing Squadron
EMPIRE: Mikael Hasselstein
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Wing Commander + Boosted Comms
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Wing Commander + Expanded Hangars + Slaved Turrets
Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Director Isard + Slaved Turrets
Major Rhymer
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron
Battle 14 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Dac system
WINNER: Greg's Rebels
Assault Frigate MkII[???] + General Rieekan + [???]
2x Nebulon-B [???] + [???]
MC30[???] + [???]
Battle 15 (Round 3)
SYSTEM: Minntooine system
WINNER: Empire
Final Tally of Points:
Henry (Empire): 1st place
Mikael Hasselstein (Empire): 2nd place
Commodore Ma'gi'eo (Empire): 3rd place
Brendan (Traitor Rebels): 4th place
Commodore Naboobo (Empire)/Greg C. (Rebels): tied at 5th place
Greg S.: 7th place
Admiral Theia: 8th place
Rik: 9th place
Mike R.: 10th place
Imperial victories over the Rebellion: 7
Rebel victories over Imperials: 2
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