Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Imperial Naval Doctrine Continues to Prevail on Edge of the Arkanis Sector

Rebel B-wing heavy fighters prior to destruction by Imperial TIE fighters and TIE bombers.

GORNO SYSTEM - Once again, elements of TIE/sa bomber craft escorted by a flight of TIE/ln Fighters encountered rebel units along the Corellian Run today, destroying the neo-separatists. The galaxy can continue to breathe easy with the Imperial Navy securing the space lanes.

Imperial Navy forces dealt with two separate sorties of rebel fighters of the advanced A- and B-wing types, currently in favor with the traitorous Rebel Alliance. These victories demonstrate the superior mettle, training, and doctrines if the Imperial Navy over the Rebellion.

The Gorno system along the Corellian Run

While the Navy rejoices for its clear and unmitigated victories today, tactical analysts have noted the tactics an flying style employed by the rebel fighters. The first sortie, consisting of two A-wing interceptors and two B-wing heavy fighters, engaged with the TIE fighter flights using the tactics and flying style employed by graduates of the Imperial Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV, suggesting the pilots were traitorous Imperial Navy personnel.

While the second sortie - also consisting of A-wing interceptors and two B-wing heavy fighters, but this time accompanied by an X-wing snubfighter - did not employ those tactics as effectively as their predecessors, they too betrayed the same styles. Tactical analysts infer that the second sortie was flown by very recent graduates of the academy, while the pilots of the former sortie were more seasoned than their successors.

While the sheer notions of such betrayal of the New Order and the Imperial cause are deeply disturbing, the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) asserts that this is no cause for alarm.

"Mental insanity leading to betrayal of everything a pilot holds dear is very distressing, of course," COMPNOR spokesman Prop Agandist told HNN reporters. "But it is also an unfortunate byproduct of the heavy combat that the naval pilots deployed to the Arkanis sector have to endure. Some defection is to be expected, but nevertheless swiftly punished."

"The Navy rightfully considers them acceptable losses," Mr. Agandist added.

Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-7-27
Location: Guardian Games (casual game night).

Battle 1
System: Gorno
WINNER: Empire

REBELS: Brendan
2x Green Squadron Pilot + Chardaan Refit + Opportunist + Outmaneuver + A-Wing Test Pilot
2x Dagger Squadron Pilot

EMPIRE: Michael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot

Battle 2
System: Gorno
WINNER: Empire

Green Squadron Pilot + Chardaan Refit
Rookie Pilot
2x Blue Squadron Pilot + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire Control System

EMPIRE: Michael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot

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