Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Imperial Elements Secure Kemal Station From Contraband

YT-1300 Corellian light freighter: only freighter to slip through Imperial patrols

KEMAL STATION SYSTEM - After similar successes last week in the New Ator system, the Empire interdicted numerous smuggling craft in the neighboring Kemal Station system today.

Following Moff Dzon Brennin of the Arkanis Sector's new strategic direction, naval elements of the Arkanis Sector Group succesfully interdicted a number of rebel contraband convoys in the Kemal Station system today. All three convoyes consisted of Corellian YT-series freighter ships, a favored small freighter type used by smugglers.

Some of the freighters were escorted by A- and B-Wing fighter craft, types of fighters exclusive to the rebellion. These sightings further prove the fact that the rebellion is insignificantly different from the criminal cartels also operating in the sector. While the cartels engage in smuggling for profit, the rebellion uses its trafficking of illicit goods and human contraband to fuel its effort to destabilize the Outer Rim and ultimately the galaxy.

During the patrols against the contraband-carrying freighters, one freighter was able to escape after its escort was destroyed by the Imperial naval element. Its transponder code was marked Millennium Falcon, a notorious smuggling vessel operating in the Arkanis sector for a known Hutt cartel. Its B-wing escort betrayed it as a vessel operated by the Rebel Alliance.

Commenting from Imperial Center, a spokesman for the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) explained that this was typical of rebel activity. "The rebellion has to fund its activities, and it chooses to do so by running freighters with contraband - spice, weapons, human slaves - between the Arkanis sector and the core world or Hutt Space," COMPNOR spokesman Prop Agandist said. "It is bad enough that they're trying to undermine galactic stability with their violent means, but to support those activities with such smut bound for the core worlds - where civilization is carefully maintained - is a very tragic part of their activities."


Game: X-Wing
Date: 2015-6-1
Location: Guardian Games (casual games).

Battle 1
System: Kemal Station system
WINNER: Empire

REBELS: Michael F.
Dash Rendar + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push the Limit + Engine Upgrade + Kyle Katarn + Outrider
2x Green Squadron Pilot + Wingman + Chardaan Refit + Autothrusters

EMPIRE: Michael W.
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 2
System: Kemal Station system
WINNER: Rebels

REBELS: Michael F.
Han Solo + Predator + Engine Upgrade + R2-D2 + C-3PO + Millennium Falcon
Ten Numb + Autoblaster + Fire Control System

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

Battle 3
System: Kemal Station system
WINNER: Empire

Chewbacca + Lone Wolf + R2-D2 + C-3PO + Millennium Falcon
"Leebo" + Determination + Heavy Laser Cannon + Outrider

EMPIRE: Michael
"Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Push the Limit + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

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