Thursday, August 13, 2015

Dalchon Sector Mutiny Decisively Put Down

A flight of TIE/sa Bomber craft deploy proton bombs on bow of VSD Usurper moments prior to its destruction

ISCERA SYSTEM - Swift action by the Imperial Navy has crushed the last naval forces loyal to the traitor Moff Murquan. Imperial Center is to invest a new administrator after Murquan executed and last associates rounded up.

Loyal forces detached from the Savareen Blockade mission have destroyed naval vessels subservient to the traitorous Murquan.

A bomber line of Imperial Navy vessels, deploying an un- precedented six squadrons of TIE/sa Bomber craft, destroyed a similar light skirmish line of separatist vessels loyal to Marquan.

The TIE Bombers narrowly prevented the traitors' lead ship, the Victory-class star destroyer Usurper, from making the escape to lightspeed with expertly targeted concussion missiles to the ship's bow, causing a structural failure.

With the only recently-reversed wave of crime and insurrection in the Arkanis Sector, the Dalchon sector had begun operating independently from Imperial Center. In the meantime, the Dalchon Sector's traitorous Moff has been arrested, and the Imperial Navy is hunting down that Moff's remaining followers.

GAME: Armada
LOCATION: Red Castle Games (Casual games)
DATE: 2015-8-13

Battle 1
System: Iscera system
WINNER: Empire
OBJECTIVE: Fleet Ambush
INITIATIVE: Separatist Empire (1st Player)

Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Admiral Chiraneau + Assault Concussion Missiles
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Expanded Launchers + Engine Techs + Demolisher
Major Rhymer TIE Bomber Squadron
Soontir Fell TIE Interceptor Squadron
"Howlrunner" TIE Fighter Squadron
"Mauler" Mithel TIE Fighter Squadron
TIE Bomber Squadron
TIE Advanced Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron

EMPIRE: Mikael
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Extended Hangar Bay
Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer + Nav Team + Assault Concussion Missiles + Demolisher
Major Rhymer TIE Bomber Squadron
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
"Mauler" Mithel TIE Fighter Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

Battle 2
System: Iscera system
WINNER: Empire
OBJECTIVE: Advanced Gunnery
INITIATIVE: Separatist Empire (1st Player)

Victory I-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Screed + Admiral Chiraneau + Assault Concussion Missiles
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer + Expanded Launchers + Engine Techs + Demolisher
Major Rhymer TIE Bomber Squadron
Soontir Fell TIE Interceptor Squadron
"Howlrunner" TIE Fighter Squadron
TIE Bomber Squadron
2x TIE Advanced Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron

EMPIRE: Mikael
Victory II-class Star Destroyer + Admiral Motti + Extended Hangar Bay
Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer + Nav Team + Assault Concussion Missiles + Demolisher
Major Rhymer TIE Bomber Squadron
5x TIE Bomber Squadron
"Mauler" Mithel TIE Fighter Squadron
3x TIE Fighter Squadron

The story here is that Will was up by points, having taken out my Victory, and me his Gladiator. I had a fairly healthy Gladiator well out of range, and his Victory had four remaining hull points. It was the squadron phase of Turn 6, and of my four remaining bombers, two took out his "Howlrunner", and the other two did just enough damage to trigger three damage cards, one face-up 'Structural Damage', which gave his destroyer the last needed damage card to destroy the ship.

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