ARKANIS SYSTEM - In preparation for the Emperor's arrival in the long-benighted Arkanis Sector, the rebellion and the Rebellion and the paramilitary forces of the criminal syndicates of that region of the galaxy have been crushed. With the destruction of these forces of chaos, criminality and anarchy, the Arkanis sector is expected to return to Imperial normalcy without delay.
'Inspired' by the Emperor's imminent arrival, Moff Dzon Brennin ordered swift action to be taken against the Rebel and criminal presence in the sector. Contrary to previous policy, Moff Brennin encouraged the use of standard units of TIE/ln fighters and TIE/sa bombers.
According to reports, while some starfighter elements continued to use experimental and state-of-the-art equipment, standard formations carried the day in the suppression of crime and insurrection today. According to HNN analysts, this was due to Moff Brennin's evolution of strategic thinking induced by the Emperor's approach.
Moff Brennin's 'evolution' comes after weeks of conflict between regular and special operations units on the borders between the Arjanis sector and neighboring sectors along the Corellian Run trade route.
Moff Brennin is a former Imperial Intelligence officer, who favored an irregular approach towards rooting out the Rebellion and the criminal syndicates within his jurisdiction. While he once claimed that "irregular adversaries require irregular means", Moff Brennin is now reported to understand the true power of standard Imperial Navy doctrine, and the New Order's uniform approach towards civil unrest and other forms of criminality.
With the arrival of Emperor Palpatine and a fleet of Raider-class corvettes in the Trailing Sectors of the Outer Rim, a strategic shift towards larger targets is expected.
Meanwhile, some elements of the Imperial forces in the Arkanis sector still await the reinforcement of the Raider-class, despite the scheduled commencement of operations targeting larger vessels along the Corellian Run.
Date: 2015-8-15
Location: Guardian Games (Spring 2015 Game Night Kit Tournament).
Battle 1
System: Huldamun
WINNER: Empire (Non-Prodigal); 100-38
SCUM: Brendan (the Prodigal Imperial Son)
Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE
Carnor Jax + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE
Zertik Strom + Veteran Instincts + Proton Rockets + Sensor Jammer + TIE/x1
EMPIRE: Mikael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot
Battle 2
System: Vasch
WINNER: Empire; 100-12
SCUM: Steve S.
Serissu + Stealth Device + Squad Leader
Prince Xizor + Marksmanship + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Autothrusters + Fire-Control System + Virago
Kaa'to Leeachos + Bodyguard
Binayre Pilot
EMPIRE: Mikael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot
Battle 3
System: Najiba
WINNER: Empire (Bishop) 12-100
EMPIRE: Bishop
"Howlrunner" + Swarm Tactics
Marek Steele + Marksmanship + Proton Rockets + Sensor Jammer + TIE/x1
4x Academy Pilot
EMPIRE: Mikael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot
Battle 4
System: Issor
WINNER: Empire 100-38
Corran Horn + Push the Limit + Advanced Sensors + R2 Astromech + Engine Upgrade
2x Blue Squadron Pilot + Tactician + Fire-Control Systems + B-Wing/E2
EMPIRE: Mikael
2x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Flechette Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Munitions Failsafe
4x Academy Pilot
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