Saturday, March 14, 2015

Shocking Reports From the Arkanis Sector

Last sighting of Lambda-shuttle ST-911, presumed lost in the Vasch system

ARKANIS SYSTEM - After the return of a number of sorties of escorted shuttles into the Arkanis, the analysis of the situation in the sector is complete: the Arkanis Sector is a wretched hive of scum and rebellion.

Over the past days, the Arkanis Sector Group has dispatched a large number of ISB agents aboard Lambda-class shuttlecraft in order to both win the hearts and minds of the citizens of the sector, as well as gauge the numbers of criminals and rebels infesting the area. Regrettably, a large number of sorties did not return, and those that did report an extensive criminal presence.

Successful sorties were sent to Sirpar and New Ator, but sorties sent against Gorno and Vasch did not return.

"We were successful against the pocket of rebels we encountered on New Ator," Admiral Hoogvliet of the Arkanis Sector Group told HNN reporters, "but for the rest we were dealing with pirates and criminals. Because we had deemed it more important to bring down the Rebellion - a concerted effort to bring down the Empire - we have found it more difficult to deal with ne'er-do-wells that plague this part of space."

"Despite all the sorties we flew, there's just too many pirates and smugglers in that part of space," one TIE interceptor pilot said, speaking off the record. "Whenever we'd have a win and get out shuttles through, we'd hear of another sortie not making it back."

When informed that the Emperor was most displeased with his apparent lack of progress, the admiral promised to see to crushing both the rebellion as well as the criminal element within his sector.

"We shall double our efforts!" he said.


  Battles 1-4: Guardian Games (Store Championship) Congrats to Beau Bogart for his win!

Battle 1
System: Sirpar
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-03-14

EMPIRE: Michael
Soontir Fel + Autothrusters + Push the Limit + Stealth Device
Omicron Group Pilot + Advanced Sensors + Engine Upgrade + Intelligence Agent (x2)
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Proximity Mines
Academy Pilot

SCUM: Bishop
Boba Fett + Determination + Tactical Jammer
Guri + Bodyguard + Virago + Advanced Sensors + "Hot Shot" Blaster
N'dru Suhlak + Lone Wolf + Inertial Dampeners

Battle 2
System: Gorno
DATE: 2015-03-14

EMPIRE: Michael
Soontir Fel + Autothrusters + Push the Limit + Stealth Device
Omicron Group Pilot + Advanced Sensors + Engine Upgrade + Intelligence Agent (x2)
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Proximity Mines
Academy Pilot

SCUM: David
Boba Fett + Veteran Instincts + Autoblaster + Recon Specialist
N'dru Suhlak + Lone Wolf + Cluster Missiles + Hull Upgrade
2x Binayre Pirate

Battle 3
System: New Ator
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-03-14

EMPIRE: Michael
Soontir Fel + Autothrusters + Push the Limit + Stealth Device
Omicron Group Pilot + Advanced Sensors + Engine Upgrade + Intelligence Agent (x2)
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Proximity Mines
Academy Pilot

Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Chewbacca + Nien Numb + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade
Horton Salm + 2x Proton Torpedoes + Ion Cannon Turret + R2 Astromech + Engine Upgrade

Battle 4
System: Vasch
DATE: 2015-03-14

EMPIRE: Michael
Soontir Fel + Autothrusters + Push the Limit + Stealth Device
Omicron Group Pilot + Advanced Sensors + Engine Upgrade + Intelligence Agent (x2)
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Cluster Missiles + Proximity Mines
Academy Pilot

SCUM: Joshua
Kath Scarlet + Push the Limit + K4 Security Droid + Engine Upgrade
N'dru Suhlak + Lone Wolf
Palob Godalhi + Opportunist + Blaster Turret + Outlaw Tech + Moldy Crow

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