ISSOR SYSTEM - Spurred on by gains made by the Imperial Navy, the civilian contractors hired on to assist the Empire in bringing wanton criminals to justice make gains in the Issor system.
With criminal elements operating in the open now in the Arkanis Sector, the civilian contractors engaged in assisting the Empire meet this threat (read about it here) have finally begun to pull their weight. Imperial decision-makers in the Arkanis Sector Group had begun to doubt the contractors' utility in meeting the challenge to law and order.
Initial engagements against elements of the rebellion - which are held responsible for the recent crime wave proved to be disappointing (read about that here), with contractors and rebels trading success in engagements in the sector.
Speaking with HNN, Admiral Hoogvliet, commander of the Sector Group navy, reported that he had nearly cut the contractor program, almost convinced that civilian elements should not be trusted with the execution of Imperial justice.
With recent successes in the Issor System, Hoogvliet has decided not to cut the program, but neither was he completely satisfied, commenting that they had "let one get away".
According to reports, one of the criminal element ships had fled the scene of his crime, before the contractors could place him under civilian arrest. Reportedly, said criminal was also aboard a Firespray-31-class patrol craft, as were the contractors.
More disconcerting to loyal citizens was the previous appearance of two identical heavy fighting craft of the Agressor-class type. According to sensor logs, these two craft had not been manned by organic life forms and there are fears of the return to a droid war. This was also in the light of the skirmishes taking place within only a few parcecs of one of the Old Republics defeats on the separatist world of Geonosis.
Thankfully, COMPNOR spokesman Prop Agandist was able to assure loyal readers that this wave would only be a momentary development. "According to our information, the criminal elements has had only short-lived supplies to devote to this lost cause. Their stores are empty."
Kath Scarlet + Marksmanship + Andrasta (title) + 2xSeismic charges + Proton Bomb + Merc Copilot
Krassis Trellix + Heavy Laser Cannon + Seismic charges + Recon Specialist
IG-88B + Push the Limit + "Mangler" Cannon + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + IG-2000 (title) + Inertial Dampeners
IG-88C + Push the Limit + "Mangler" Cannon + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + IG-2000 (title) + Inertial Dampeners
System: Issor
WINNER: Empire
DATE: 2015-03-02
Kath Scarlet + Marksmanship + Andrasta (title) + Seismic charges + Proton Bomb + Proximity Mine
Krassis Trellix + Heavy Laser Cannon + Seismic charges + Recon Specialist
Boba Fett (Scum) + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade
Torkhil Mux + Ion Cannon Turret + Outlaw Tech
2x Binayre Pirate + "Hot Shot" Blaster
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